Thursday, December 1, 2011

Your Smile

I recently wrote a poem for my girlfriend while we were visiting her mother near the Hungarian border. It was inspired by, suprise, her smile and it came together in about ten minutes. She loves sunflowers, hence the picture.


Your Smile

I watch your face as you both speak.
In the musical stream that I love without understanding.
It babbles into my ears until the moment happens.
Your eyes, shining with your boundless spirit, catch mine and you smile.

It is a simple smile yet it reaches right through me.
The childlike joy and warmth of the evening before Christmas
Is in your smile and your face
And it brings the cosy heat of a Christmas log fire to me.

Knowing that such a smile was prompted by me touches my heart
And fuels the light of love that is kept there.
My mind changes the white of the kitchen light on your face
Into an orange glow as if of the fire we will sit by together in but a few weeks.

Each day that I spend with you brings new happiness
At being in love with and being loved by you.
You are a light in my life and keep a smile on my lips.

Szeretlek Edina